Olive Oyl (also known as Popeye) was created by Elzie Crisler Segar, a cartoonist who became a successful newspaperman and a minor politician.
Olive Oyl is a cartoon character created by E. C. Segar in 1919 for his comic strip Thimble Theatre. The strip was later renamed Popeye after the sailor character that became the most popular member of the cast; however, OO was a main character for a decade before Popeye’s 1929 appearance.
celebrates 90 years of Popeye, the sailor man who can bend spoons with his strength, can defeat the baddies with his mighty mallet, and his trademark catchphrase “I’m strong!”.
In the strip as written by Segar, Olive was a feisty, temperamental young woman (her age varying between her late teens and 24) whose extremely thin build lent itself well to the fashions of the time; her long black hair was usually rolled in a neat bun, like her mother’s. She is the youngest sibling of Castor Oyl and Crude Oyl.